Thursday, July 26, 2018

The little town that wannabe

Up early to another fantastic sunrise except that I probably did miss the best part from broken sleep and not waking quite as early as I had hoped.  Our little group shared coffee, exchanged farewells and set off to our respective destinations.

Our next stop was the little town of Woomera which fascinated me the last time we stayed 2 years ago.  There are kms of roads, street lights, curbing, footpaths and driveways for houses that were never built.  It is a combination of weird and sad.  Weird because it's like the houses and people just suddenly disappeared.  Sad because if the building of houses had matched the infrastructure that was in place, this would be a large town.  It's hard to comprehend that there are less than 150 people here as there are masses of accommodation that are obviously vacant and decaying.  And even the supermarket has downsized in the last 2 years. 

But then there is the local football ground that has obviously had lots of money spent on it and is probably the only proper grass that can be seen not on in Woomera but for many miles around.

Some of the footpaths are even brick but many of these were also in areas where there were no homes nearby.

Even a parking bay for shops that don't exist.....

And probably the saddest sight in town - the bus stop to nowhere!

The reason Woomera exists.

The road to Roxby Downs - more nothing.

Philip Ponds Homestead remains

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